Our Mission

We can all agree that videos can't replace the physical attendance at lectures but we also understand that some of us have limited time or don't live near a house of study. Torah Direct is here to bridge that gap. Now you can take Torah with you anywhere you go. Watch videos at home, on a flight or listen during your commute to work, learning at your own pace.

Many daily and weekly classes featuring various subjects and books. Each class varies in length to ensure there is something for everyone no matter how much or how little time you may have.

The Torah Direct website is dedicated by the Kellen and Forman Family in honor and in memory of

Teddy Kellen

Shimon Tuvia ben Dov Yehuda Leib Chaim O.B.M.

שמעון טוביה בן דוב יהודה לייב חיים ז״ל


who passed away on the 10th of Tamuz 5780.

Teddy positively impacted many lives during his lifetime and was always prepared to give of himself for the benefit of all mankind, with love and humility and without any expectation of reward.

Teddy was a teacher at heart and he lovingly educated his family and all who came to him to learn. We dedicate Torah Direct to Teddy’s memory, knowing that the Torah learning on Torah Direct - by Jews and non-Jews, around the world, day and night - will bring merit to Teddy’s soul in the world of everlasting life.